We are Granoland Tiles. We believe in Trade with Purpose.
The balance between economic growth and the welfare of society is an everyday thought at Granoland Tiles LLP. Our aim is to fulfill our civic duty by actions that benefit the whole of society.
We are truly aware that social responsibility and ecological integrity are part of the irreplaceable life support systems upon which our communities depend. Therefore we support every cause we believe in.
We live in a beautiful world that needs our protection. Choices we make indoors shape the outside environment what we choose not only affects our own well-being. But every living things on earth.
Projects with short-sight thinking cause long-term problems. You have the power to better the future much better with tiles purity made it the safest choices centuries before the green movement zero plastics, zero formaldehyde tile literally comes from the earth. So it’s naturally good for the planet and good for the air we breathe. Only the tile can claim the lowest carbon footprint.
Granoland tiles has been strictly following in the elimination of child labour . We say no to child labour. Our human rights and children’s rights policy statements make our stance clear.

Human Rights
Granoland tiles LLP supports human rights as laid out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and we work diligently to support and uphold the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights. Our approach is to seek out where we might be unintentionally doing harm and to work hard to put this right – but also to go beyond and look at how by doing better we can create a net positive impact, so not just mitigate and remediate, but aim to make a positive contribution. We say no to slave labour.
Reducing Pollution
As part of our commitment to carbon reduction, we understand the need to reduce our emissions from our sites and our fleet, as well as the actions we must take to protect the natural world. We say no to pollution. In support of this, we're working to upgrade our fleet to standards that limit exhaust of harmful pollutants and improve fuel economy, as well as looking into fuel alternatives like natural gas in our factory.

The way we make and get our products to our customers is an area of focus for us. We have a great track record in trying to minimise our impact on the environment and this extends to our product mixes and packaging. It’s true to say we use plastic packaging when storing and transporting our products. However, it’s also true that we have a responsibility to reduce the use of non-essential plastic for ourselves and for our customers.
97% of granoland tiles products contain recycled materials.
To reduce environmental impact, we are using locally sourced raw materials, with recycled content, with the aim of having a positive impact on people and the environment

Our various camps from blood donation to Food distribution.